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Third Level

Bishop Rock Lighthouse.
Situated in the Isles of Scilly about 29 miles off Lands End, the western tip of Cornwall, and part of the Duchy of Cornwall - a "ceremonial county" of England. 

I use this old photo of the Bishop Rock Lighthouse as my Bryher Music's "logo" because, to me, the lighthouse represents not just a warning but is also a Beacon of Light & Hope and because of my island heritage. Some of my ancestors lived in the Isles of Scilly and my family raised me there. They lived on several islands, including St. Mary's, Tresco, Bryher, and Samson and perhaps St. Martins.
My great grandfather, John Lethbridge, was a stone mason who worked on the construction of the lighthouse. He married a local girl, born on the island of Samson. Her name was Anne Woodcock and with her twin sister, Elizabeth, they were the last children born on Samson before it was depopulated. The ruin of their cottage still stands. Anne's son, Jim Lethbridge, became an original lifeboat coxswain on St. Marys, and his son, another Jim, was also in the lifeboat crew and Jim's brother, Matt, became coxswain and was followed by his sons "Boy" Matt (as coxswain), and his two brothers, Richard and Harry as crew members. Quite a legacy of life saving that earned many awards.
Thus the Lethbridge family have a great history as Lifeboatmen in Scilly. They were also lobster fisherman with an area in and around the Bishop Rock Lighthouse. The wider Lethbridge family includes Kathleen Phillips and her family, Evelyn Pascoe (nee Lethbridge, my mother), and the Woodcock families and all their other descendents.